2019/04/20, Hungaroring




Calculating points: P = h * p, where p = n + 1 - s
After every heat(h) there is an absolute order generated, based on the achieved limit times. The position (s) in this temporary result list defines the number of points(p) given to each pilot, where the maximum number of points equals to the number of pilots(n) who participated in the heat. These points are cumulative, and after the last heat they give the final result(R) based on the points gathered. If you are not able complete the limit (usually 3 laps), but you’ve passed the start gate at least once, you get 1 point. If someone participates in two rounds in the same heat (e.g.: rerun), then the better limit time is taken into consideration. In case of point equality the person who gathered the points from less heats will get the better position.

Best limit

Pos# Pilot Best limit Diff prev Diff first
1 Oszi 67.3644    
2 L3wii 71.6056 +4.2412 +4.2412
3 Daemon 77.3451 +5.7395 +9.9807
4 Senior Felnor 79.8368 +2.4917 +12.4724
5 Zsoltee 87.5367 +7.6999 +20.1723
6 ALI 89.5027 +1.9660 +22.1383
7 IKE 89.9497 +0.4470 +22.5853
8 SOMi 91.9015 +1.9518 +24.5371
9 KIMI 100.4201 +8.5186 +33.0557
10 Lacc 101.0480 +0.6279 +33.6836
11 FOOJI 101.2908 +0.2428 +33.9264
12 Rudolfking 108.9444 +7.6536 +41.5800
13 mio 114.0661 +5.1217 +46.7017
14 Whpgab 118.3556 +4.2895 +50.9912
15 decade 119.0389 +0.6833 +51.6745
16 LoyniK 119.7974 +0.7585 +52.4330
17 Szittya 127.6694 +7.8720 +60.3050
18 Tomax 132.8253 +5.1559 +65.4609
19 calman 141.5085 +8.6832 +74.1441
20 Visszavonultam 142.6863 +1.1778 +75.3219
21 Tromph 146.6177 +3.9314 +79.2533
22 BBfpv 154.8051 +8.1874 +87.4407
23 dHd 157.5121 +2.7070 +90.1477
24 VeJOC 158.0243 +0.5122 +90.6599
25 VG 177.5819 +19.5576 +110.2175
26 Krisone DNF

Best lap

Pos# Pilot Best lap Diff prev Diff first
1 Oszi 19.0585    
2 Senior Felnor 22.7481 +3.6896 +3.6896
3 Daemon 22.7916 +0.0435 +3.7331
4 L3wii 22.9153 +0.1237 +3.8568
5 ALI 23.8775 +0.9622 +4.8190
6 Zsoltee 25.2051 +1.3276 +6.1466
7 IKE 27.1665 +1.9614 +8.1080
8 SOMi 28.2096 +1.0431 +9.1511
9 KIMI 28.9316 +0.7220 +9.8731
10 FOOJI 30.8851 +1.9535 +11.8266
11 Lacc 31.3554 +0.4703 +12.2969
12 mio 34.1858 +2.8304 +15.1273
13 Rudolfking 34.3413 +0.1555 +15.2828
14 Whpgab 34.3996 +0.0583 +15.3411
15 Tomax 34.9317 +0.5321 +15.8732
16 decade 35.4651 +0.5334 +16.4066
17 LoyniK 37.0819 +1.6168 +18.0234
18 Szittya 37.1746 +0.0927 +18.1161
19 calman 38.2443 +1.0697 +19.1858
20 Tromph 40.9684 +2.7241 +21.9099
21 BBfpv 41.6575 +0.6891 +22.5990
22 Visszavonultam 42.4402 +0.7827 +23.3817
23 VeJOC 45.1298 +2.6896 +26.0713
24 dHd 46.0802 +0.9504 +27.0217
25 Krisone 53.9467 +7.8665 +34.8882
26 VG 56.6065 +2.6598 +37.5480

Details: Heat 1

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Oszi 1) 28.0182 2) 26.3408 3) 23.8218 4) 22.5005 5) 22.5825 22.5005 24.6528 2.1810 91.15% 78.1808
2 Tromph 1) 56.1264 2) 44.2063 3) 46.2850 4) 45.6657 44.2063 48.0709 4.7117 90.2% 146.6177
3 Krisone 1) 62.6274 2) 53.9467 53.9467 58.2871 4.3404 92.55% DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Whpgab 1) 47.7052 2) 40.3086 3) 37.5452 4) 41.5034 37.5452 41.7656 3.7176 91.1% 125.5590
2 Rudolfking 1) 45.2940 2) 39.7521 3) 41.1371 4) 36.4012 5) 35.4590 35.4590 39.6087 3.5267 91.1% 126.1832
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 ALI 1) 36.9376 2) 30.1766 3) 68.7770 30.1766 45.2971 16.8307 62.84% 135.8912
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 IKE 1) 42.3052 2) 45.9039 3) 31.8841 4) 98.3814 31.8841 54.6187 25.7857 52.79% 120.0932
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 30.6246 2) 27.5251 3) 29.8346 27.5251 29.3281 1.3151 95.52% 87.9843
2 Visszavonultam 1) 57.8330 2) 59.3288 3) 52.8309 4) 54.1992 52.8309 56.0480 2.6324 95.3% 169.9927
3 dHd 1) 70.2611 2) 46.0802 46.0802 58.1707 12.0905 79.22% DNF
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Senior Felnor 1) 36.1857 2) 34.1010 3) 23.2315 4) 23.5224 23.2315 29.2602 5.9301 79.73% 93.5182
2 FOOJI 1) 36.8640 2) 31.9156 3) 33.8289 4) 33.8397 31.9156 34.1121 1.7714 94.81% 102.6085
3 mio 1) 44.5069 2) 34.4255 3) 35.1337 4) 34.8293 5) 37.2833 34.4255 37.2357 3.7677 89.88% 114.0661
4 calman 1) 49.4769 2) 59.1171 3) 52.9098 4) 40.1926 40.1926 50.4241 6.8434 86.43% 161.5038
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Zsoltee 1) 31.8525 2) 28.0163 3) 29.5321 4) 39.0286 28.0163 32.1074 4.2231 86.85% 89.4009
2 LoyniK 1) 87.9773 2) 45.2910 45.2910 66.6342 21.3432 67.97% DNF

Details: Heat 2

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Oszi 1) 23.8631 2) 20.2991 3) 23.8631 20.2991 22.6751 1.6801 92.59% 68.0253
2 VG 1) 63.3717 2) 56.6065 3) 57.6037 56.6065 59.1940 2.9820 94.96% 177.5819
3 Tromph DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Rudolfking 1) 46.0814 2) 35.7376 3) 37.3052 4) 52.1520 5) 35.4517 35.4517 41.3456 6.6591 83.89% 119.1242
2 Whpgab 1) 52.6418 2) 35.8677 3) 47.1895 4) 45.5581 35.8677 45.3143 6.0520 86.64% 135.6990
3 BBfpv 1) 55.2462 2) 45.3563 3) 54.2026 45.3563 51.6017 4.4367 91.4% 154.8051
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 IKE 1) 33.9388 2) 29.5552 3) 28.4817 4) 33.0208 5) 29.0856 28.4817 30.8164 2.2202 92.8% 91.9757
2 ALI 1) 30.9850 2) 32.6265 3) 30.4830 30.4830 31.3648 0.9154 97.08% 94.0945
3 Tomax 1) 52.5623 2) 34.9317 3) 45.3313 34.9317 44.2751 7.2363 83.66% 132.8253
4 KIMI 1) 33.4242 2) 29.9244 29.9244 31.6743 1.7499 94.48% DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 27.1554 2) 25.1058 3) 24.8196 24.8196 25.6936 1.0402 95.95% 77.0808
2 Visszavonultam 1) 55.6065 2) 48.8543 3) 45.7098 45.7098 50.0569 4.1288 91.75% 150.1706
3 dHd 1) 92.8831 2) 55.7642 3) 53.6980 53.6980 67.4484 18.0048 73.31% 202.3453
4 Krisone DNF DNF
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Senior Felnor 1) 31.1540 2) 24.0193 3) 34.1316 4) 23.5838 5) 28.5018 23.5838 28.2781 4.0684 85.61% 89.3049
2 FOOJI 1) 35.8918 2) 37.3605 3) 30.8851 4) 33.5575 5) 39.1361 30.8851 35.3662 2.8920 91.82% 104.1374
3 mio 1) 39.7946 2) 42.1853 39.7946 40.9900 1.1954 97.08% DNF
4 calman 1) 57.5822 57.5822 DNF
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Zsoltee 1) 30.0464 2) 26.4292 3) 31.0611 4) 30.3943 26.4292 29.4828 1.8003 93.89% 87.5367
2 LoyniK 1) 89.4239 89.4239 DNF

Details: Heat 3

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Oszi 1) 24.5707 2) 20.7292 3) 22.0645 4) 19.0585 19.0585 21.6057 2.0161 90.67% 67.3644
2 Tromph 1) 52.2989 2) 49.4218 3) 52.4154 4) 47.0482 47.0482 50.2961 2.2258 95.57% 154.1361
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Rudolfking 1) 40.4567 2) 35.7647 3) 35.5427 4) 38.3675 5) 71.9054 35.5427 44.4074 13.8673 68.77% 111.7641
2 Whpgab 1) 43.4544 2) 34.3996 3) 40.5016 34.3996 39.4519 3.7704 90.44% 118.3556
3 VeJOC 1) 61.3978 2) 47.1167 47.1167 54.2573 7.1406 86.84% DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 ALI 1) 39.9609 2) 34.5317 3) 26.1480 26.1480 33.5469 5.6819 83.06% 100.6406
2 KIMI 1) 32.3764 2) 31.8113 31.8113 32.0939 0.2826 99.12% DNF
3 Tomax 1) 49.7401 49.7401 DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 IKE 1) 32.6076 2) 29.2192 3) 30.1084 4) 29.9776 5) 34.5989 29.2192 31.3023 2.0045 93.6% 91.9352
2 SOMi 1) 38.6894 2) 30.5413 3) 33.7685 30.5413 34.3331 3.3503 90.24% 102.9992
3 Lacc 1) 44.0935 2) 32.3216 3) 36.6839 4) 31.4353 31.4353 36.1336 5.0067 86.14% 113.0990
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 28.9617 2) 25.0679 3) 23.8889 23.8889 25.9728 2.1676 91.65% 77.9185
2 dHd 1) 57.1643 2) 53.8356 3) 46.5122 4) 47.2565 46.5122 51.1922 4.4734 91.26% 157.5121
3 Visszavonultam 1) 54.7956 2) 56.9759 3) 49.1729 4) 42.4402 42.4402 50.8462 5.6265 88.93% 160.9444
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 FOOJI 1) 35.1668 2) 32.6417 3) 33.8700 4) 44.1508 32.6417 36.4573 4.5307 87.57% 101.6785
2 mio 1) 41.1608 2) 38.9229 3) 59.7808 4) 39.9519 38.9229 44.9541 8.5968 80.88% 139.8645
3 Senior Felnor 1) 79.7033 2) 35.2179 3) 25.0068 4) 35.0457 25.0068 43.7434 21.1690 51.61% 139.9280
4 calman 1) 55.2281 2) 47.1041 3) 52.1478 4) 38.2443 38.2443 48.1811 6.4284 86.66% 154.4800
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 27.2943 2) 24.0035 3) 26.0473 24.0035 25.7817 1.3565 94.74% 77.3451
2 Zsoltee 1) 36.0820 2) 27.3563 3) 25.8807 4) 25.2051 25.2051 28.6310 4.3716 84.73% 89.3190
3 LoyniK 1) 41.4196 41.4196 DNF

Details: Heat 4

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Oszi 1) 22.2387 2) 19.9622 3) 34.7897 4) 22.0875 5) 23.6558 19.9622 24.5468 5.2556 78.59% 76.9906
2 Tromph 1) 64.3830 2) 56.5393 3) 40.9684 40.9684 53.9636 9.7309 81.97% 161.8907
3 VG 1) 108.7650 108.7650 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Rudolfking 1) 45.6906 2) 37.6295 3) 36.1959 4) 35.2855 35.2855 38.7004 4.1214 89.35% 119.5160
2 BBfpv 1) 54.0710 2) 59.3005 3) 49.1812 4) 46.2183 46.2183 52.1928 4.9702 90.48% 162.5527
3 VeJOC 1) 73.1341 2) 65.9770 3) 48.1744 4) 49.6839 48.1744 59.2424 10.6325 82.05% 187.2855
4 Whpgab 1) 59.4596 59.4596 DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 KIMI 1) 41.1813 2) 28.9880 3) 30.2508 4) 32.0086 5) 28.9316 28.9316 32.2721 4.5929 85.77% 100.4201
2 decade 1) 42.0819 2) 41.4919 3) 35.4651 35.4651 39.6796 2.9898 92.47% 119.0389
3 ALI 1) 37.6353 37.6353 DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 IKE 1) 32.3696 2) 27.3402 3) 30.2399 4) 29.1300 27.3402 29.7699 1.8229 93.88% 89.9497
2 SOMi 1) 35.0335 2) 28.6584 3) 28.2096 28.2096 30.6338 3.1164 89.83% 91.9015
3 Szittya 1) 41.7172 2) 38.1202 3) 47.8320 4) 37.1746 5) 40.9818 37.1746 41.1652 3.7412 90.91% 127.6694
4 Lacc 1) 41.2661 2) 31.3554 3) 64.0487 4) 34.9563 5) 42.3801 31.3554 42.8013 11.3714 73.43% 136.6702
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 28.3733 2) 24.1434 3) 24.1434 24.1434 25.5534 1.9940 92.2% 76.6601
2 Visszavonultam 1) 50.6892 2) 49.6084 3) 55.1820 49.6084 51.8265 2.4134 95.34% 155.4796
3 dHd 1) 47.0818 2) 48.3829 3) 90.7245 47.0818 62.0631 20.2737 67.33% 186.1892
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 mio 1) 43.3033 2) 35.9334 3) 36.2814 4) 38.0990 35.9334 38.4043 2.9456 92.33% 115.5181
2 calman 1) 54.1468 2) 44.1630 3) 43.1987 4) 47.3960 43.1987 47.2261 4.2874 90.92% 141.5085
3 Senior Felnor 1) 99.1832 2) 25.2976 3) 26.2547 4) 27.6466 5) 22.7481 22.7481 40.2260 29.5219 26.61% 150.7355
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 24.3555 2) 22.7916 3) 45.8087 4) 28.2203 5) 26.4767 22.7916 29.5306 8.3452 71.74% 92.9558
2 LoyniK 1) 45.1920 2) 37.5235 3) 37.0819 37.0819 39.9325 3.7234 90.68% 119.7974
3 Zsoltee DNF DNF

Details: Heat 5

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VG 1) 71.4385 71.4385 DNF
2 Tromph 1) 68.1613 68.1613 DNF
3 Oszi DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Rudolfking 1) 39.2377 2) 34.3413 3) 35.3654 4) 34.8734 5) 36.0701 34.3413 35.9776 1.7268 95.2% 108.9444
2 VeJOC 1) 63.3400 2) 47.5133 3) 47.1710 4) 45.1298 45.1298 50.7885 7.3037 85.62% 158.0243
3 BBfpv 1) 83.3416 2) 50.5366 3) 44.0804 4) 41.6575 41.6575 54.9040 16.7361 69.52% 177.9586
4 Whpgab 1) 49.4611 2) 35.5129 35.5129 42.4870 6.9741 83.59% DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 ALI 1) 35.0859 2) 30.5393 3) 23.8775 23.8775 29.8342 4.6029 84.57% 89.5027
2 decade 1) 76.9185 76.9185 DNF
4 Tomax DNF DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 IKE 1) 35.0825 2) 27.1665 3) 32.5606 4) 29.3286 27.1665 31.0346 3.0244 90.25% 94.8096
2 SOMi 1) 40.4227 2) 31.9229 3) 46.9776 4) 34.9403 5) 29.6854 29.6854 36.7898 6.2381 83.04% 119.3232
3 Szittya 1) 47.9618 2) 44.9282 3) 41.0959 4) 40.7805 40.7805 43.6916 2.9570 93.23% 133.9859
4 Lacc DNF DNF
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 25.6964 2) 22.9939 3) 22.9153 22.9153 23.8685 1.2929 94.58% 71.6056
2 Visszavonultam 1) 51.0781 2) 43.9986 3) 47.6096 4) 49.2536 43.9986 47.9850 2.6081 94.56% 142.6863
3 dHd 1) 48.2584 2) 56.8057 48.2584 52.5321 4.2737 91.86% DNF
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Senior Felnor 1) 31.9592 2) 23.8362 3) 24.0414 4) 23.2336 23.2336 25.7676 3.5870 86.08% 79.8368
2 calman 1) 51.3773 2) 47.5167 3) 58.3120 47.5167 52.4020 4.4663 91.48% 157.2060
3 mio 1) 41.9141 2) 34.1858 34.1858 38.0500 3.8642 89.84% DNF
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 69.6587 2) 23.2845 3) 26.0148 4) 25.2718 23.2845 36.0575 19.4254 46.13% 118.9580
2 LoyniK 1) 43.8807 2) 44.0127 3) 39.3088 39.3088 42.4007 2.1870 94.84% 127.2022
3 Zsoltee 1) 32.9830 32.9830 DNF
Group 8
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Lacc 1) 37.8537 2) 31.6125 3) 31.5818 4) 35.9635 5) 38.1424 31.5818 35.0308 2.9018 91.72% 101.0480
2 FOOJI 1) 34.7171 2) 33.3928 3) 33.1809 33.1809 33.7636 0.6798 97.99% 101.2908

Entry list

Be brave, be the first!