2019/07/20, Velence



Pos# Pilot Pts Heats Avg pts Best pos
1 L3wii 4 19.250 1
2 Daemon 3 20.333 2
3 IKE 4 12.750 3
3 Krisone 4 12.750 3
5 vajcsi 4 12.500 2
6 Lacc 3 15.000 6
7 Oszi 3 14.667 1
8 VeJOC 4 10.000 10
9 calman 4 9.250 5
10 SOMi 3 11.000 5
11 Whpgab 3 10.667 7
11 Visszavonultam 4 8.000 11
13 KIMI 4 7.750 6
13 dHd 4 7.750 9
15 FOOJI 4 7.250 5
16 mio 4 6.750 7
17 VG 4 5.500 8
18 Tromph 3 6.333 8
19 AIRBOSS 2 8.000 7
20 Adam 4 3.250 13
21 decade 3 4.000 13
22 GSTN 3 1.000 14
23 BBfpv 2 1.000 17
Calculating points: P = h * p, where p = n + 1 - s
After every heat(h) there is an absolute order generated, based on the achieved limit times. The position (s) in this temporary result list defines the number of points(p) given to each pilot, where the maximum number of points equals to the number of pilots(n) who participated in the heat. These points are cumulative, and after the last heat they give the final result(R) based on the points gathered. If you are not able complete the limit (usually 3 laps), but you’ve passed the start gate at least once, you get 1 point. If someone participates in two rounds in the same heat (e.g.: rerun), then the better limit time is taken into consideration. In case of point equality the person who gathered the points from less heats will get the better position.

Best limit

Pos# Pilot Best limit Diff prev Diff first
1 Oszi 70.2072    
2 Daemon 75.8524 +5.6452 +5.6452
3 L3wii 78.0009 +2.1485 +7.7937
4 IKE 87.3333 +9.3324 +17.1261
5 FOOJI 89.6270 +2.2937 +19.4198
6 vajcsi 92.3170 +2.6900 +22.1098
7 Krisone 92.4377 +0.1207 +22.2305
8 SOMi 97.3156 +4.8779 +27.1084
9 Lacc 110.8002 +13.4846 +40.5930
10 decade 111.6849 +0.8847 +41.4777
11 mio 111.7757 +0.0908 +41.5685
12 Whpgab 115.5815 +3.8058 +45.3743
13 KIMI 117.6248 +2.0433 +47.4176
14 AIRBOSS 124.0407 +6.4159 +53.8335
15 VG 126.6001 +2.5594 +56.3929
16 calman 133.7833 +7.1832 +63.5761
17 VeJOC 147.6918 +13.9085 +77.4846
18 Tromph 148.2132 +0.5214 +78.0060
19 Visszavonultam 158.2734 +10.0602 +88.0662
20 dHd 159.7732 +1.4998 +89.5660
21 Adam 235.6575 +75.8843 +165.4503
22 BBfpv DNF

Best lap

Pos# Pilot Best lap Diff prev Diff first
1 Daemon 20.4082    
2 Oszi 21.0177 +0.6095 +0.6095
3 vajcsi 24.0090 +2.9913 +3.6008
4 IKE 24.2178 +0.2088 +3.8096
5 L3wii 24.2279 +0.0101 +3.8197
6 SOMi 25.8135 +1.5856 +5.4053
7 FOOJI 27.6818 +1.8683 +7.2736
8 KIMI 28.2022 +0.5204 +7.7940
9 Krisone 28.8072 +0.6050 +8.3990
10 Lacc 29.6432 +0.8360 +9.2350
11 mio 30.2934 +0.6502 +9.8852
12 decade 32.9621 +2.6687 +12.5539
13 Whpgab 34.5181 +1.5560 +14.1099
14 calman 36.8787 +2.3606 +16.4705
15 AIRBOSS 37.9224 +1.0437 +17.5142
16 VG 38.2501 +0.3277 +17.8419
17 dHd 39.8128 +1.5627 +19.4046
18 Tromph 39.9293 +0.1165 +19.5211
19 VeJOC 44.5083 +4.5790 +24.1001
20 Visszavonultam 48.6638 +4.1555 +28.2556
21 BBfpv 51.8405 +3.1767 +31.4323
22 Adam 61.1816 +9.3411 +40.7734
23 GSTN 62.7830 +1.6014 +42.3748

Details: Heat 1

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 60.4462 2) 41.0788 3) 31.8836 31.8836 44.4695 11.9046 73.23% 133.4086
2 VG 1) 71.3774 2) 48.2542 3) 48.4985 48.2542 56.0434 10.8433 80.65% 168.1301
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 FOOJI 1) 72.1610 2) 32.8382 3) 34.4407 4) 35.9683 32.8382 43.8521 16.3816 62.64% 139.4399
2 Tromph 1) 67.3873 2) 44.7755 3) 42.8159 4) 48.6856 42.8159 50.9161 9.7416 80.87% 154.9787
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 mio 1) 45.3530 2) 64.7874 3) 33.8642 4) 38.6416 33.8642 45.6616 11.7723 74.22% 144.0046
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VeJOC 1) 68.3578 2) 61.3220 3) 63.8496 61.3220 64.5098 2.9100 95.49% 193.5294
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 35.8590 2) 32.7212 3) 31.6613 4) 29.3939 5) 37.2909 29.3939 33.3853 2.8537 91.45% 100.2415
2 dHd 1) 63.3328 2) 57.5325 3) 43.4789 4) 40.3930 40.3930 51.1843 9.5356 81.37% 164.3442
3 Visszavonultam 1) 62.2855 62.2855 DNF
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 vajcsi 1) 34.4433 2) 33.5759 3) 33.5887 4) 29.7447 5) 77.0746 29.7447 41.6854 17.7693 57.37% 101.6079
2 IKE 1) 46.2166 2) 33.8008 3) 31.9483 4) 31.4771 31.4771 35.8607 6.0417 83.15% 111.9657
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 calman 1) 51.6422 2) 42.8248 3) 41.1113 4) 52.9641 5) 37.3957 37.3957 45.1876 6.0836 86.54% 135.5783
2 SOMi 1) 44.1039 44.1039 DNF
3 Adam DNF DNF

Details: Heat 2

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Oszi 1) 32.7589 2) 26.5694 3) 22.0263 4) 21.5474 21.5474 25.7255 4.5089 82.47% 81.3546
2 VG 1) 47.6508 2) 40.6992 3) 38.2501 4) 42.3772 38.2501 42.2443 3.4492 91.84% 126.6001
3 KIMI 1) 67.7038 2) 37.8131 3) 33.1281 4) 32.6189 32.6189 42.8160 14.5109 66.11% 138.6450
4 Krisone 1) 46.0802 2) 32.6334 32.6334 39.3568 6.7234 82.92% DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 FOOJI 1) 31.3791 2) 30.5661 3) 27.6818 4) 30.5855 27.6818 30.0531 1.4078 95.32% 89.6270
2 Tromph 1) 48.9513 2) 43.2212 3) 56.0407 4) 39.9293 39.9293 47.0356 6.1199 86.99% 148.2132
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 31.1108 2) 27.0003 3) 29.1752 4) 21.3292 5) 22.3288 21.3292 26.1889 3.8031 85.48% 87.2863
2 AIRBOSS 1) 38.9259 2) 42.9007 3) 42.2141 4) 50.7484 5) 37.9224 37.9224 42.5423 4.5166 89.38% 124.0407
3 mio DNF DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 calman 1) 48.9187 2) 42.3345 3) 48.4805 4) 38.5351 38.5351 44.5672 4.3480 90.24% 139.7337
2 VeJOC 1) 62.0153 2) 49.5690 3) 54.4101 49.5690 55.3315 5.1228 90.74% 165.9944
3 Whpgab 1) 52.5649 2) 38.1861 38.1861 45.3755 7.1894 84.16% DNF
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 30.5526 2) 25.4846 3) 28.6298 4) 31.0329 25.4846 28.9250 2.1804 92.46% 84.6670
2 Visszavonultam 1) 58.0366 2) 115.8070 3) 63.9223 58.0366 79.2553 25.9574 67.25% 237.7659
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 IKE 1) 30.8491 2) 24.2178 3) 32.2664 4) 25.4201 24.2178 28.1884 3.4329 87.82% 87.3333
2 vajcsi 1) 30.0036 2) 34.7494 3) 27.5640 4) 32.9334 5) 25.5577 25.5577 30.1616 3.3675 88.84% 92.3170
3 Adam 1) 109.9090 2) 64.3173 64.3173 87.1132 22.7959 73.83% DNF
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Lacc 1) 64.7922 2) 35.8641 3) 35.9334 4) 34.5678 5) 38.4265 34.5678 41.9168 11.5057 72.55% 136.5897
3 decade DNF DNF

Details: Heat 3

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Oszi 1) 25.1353 2) 23.3608 3) 21.7111 4) 22.3274 5) 22.2631 6) 21.4676 21.4676 22.7109 1.2378 94.55% 70.2072
2 Krisone 1) 32.1566 2) 29.9271 3) 30.3540 4) 32.6126 29.9271 31.2626 1.1436 96.34% 92.4377
3 KIMI 1) 42.0223 2) 39.9463 3) 35.6562 4) 31.1584 5) 28.2022 6) 29.2446 28.2022 34.3717 5.2588 84.7% 117.6248
4 VG 1) 53.5081 53.5081 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 FOOJI 1) 43.8010 43.8010 DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 27.7850 2) 25.1697 3) 22.8977 4) 20.6577 5) 20.4082 20.4082 23.3837 2.7958 88.04% 75.8524
2 AIRBOSS 1) 72.6626 2) 40.4777 40.4777 56.5702 16.0925 71.55% DNF
3 mio 1) 39.3245 2) 33.8326 33.8326 36.5786 2.7460 92.49% DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Whpgab 1) 53.8302 2) 34.6085 3) 36.1423 4) 39.3224 5) 35.7217 34.6085 39.9250 7.1268 82.15% 124.5810
2 VeJOC 1) 54.3388 2) 47.3397 3) 46.0133 46.0133 49.2306 3.6524 92.58% 147.6918
3 calman 1) 64.4578 64.4578 DNF
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 28.7741 2) 24.2279 3) 24.9989 4) 24.7648 24.2279 25.6914 1.8016 92.99% 78.0009
2 dHd 1) 50.3849 2) 66.5570 3) 43.4864 43.4864 53.4761 9.6688 81.92% 160.4283
3 Visszavonultam 1) 70.6550 2) 51.6043 3) 52.8096 51.6043 58.3563 8.7104 85.07% 175.0689
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 IKE 1) 33.5035 2) 29.6283 3) 28.9250 28.9250 30.6856 2.0131 93.44% 92.0568
2 vajcsi DNF DNF
3 Adam DNF DNF
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 decade 1) 45.5965 2) 33.1263 3) 32.9621 4) 41.3528 32.9621 38.2594 5.4271 85.81% 111.6849
2 Lacc 1) 55.4516 2) 39.0570 3) 36.0525 4) 32.8928 5) 33.6998 32.8928 39.4307 8.2923 78.97% 130.5611
Group 8
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 decade 1) 80.5642 2) 51.9551 3) 58.4268 4) 44.8395 44.8395 58.9464 13.3742 77.31% 190.9461
2 BBfpv 1) 69.8239 2) 51.8405 51.8405 60.8322 8.9917 85.22% DNF
Group 9
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 SOMi 1) 74.5543 2) 31.5079 3) 31.0841 4) 32.2315 5) 31.0521 6) 28.1781 28.1781 38.1013 16.3511 57.09% 137.1463

Details: Heat 4

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 32.3789 2) 28.8072 3) 33.3367 4) 31.7760 28.8072 31.5747 1.6920 94.64% 94.5228
2 Oszi 1) 23.4566 2) 21.0177 21.0177 22.2372 1.2195 94.52% DNF
3 VG 1) 53.0659 53.0659 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 FOOJI 1) 34.0081 2) 32.6752 32.6752 33.3417 0.6665 98% DNF
2 BBfpv 1) 56.6998 56.6998 DNF
3 Tromph DNF DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 27.0010 2) 23.5576 3) 29.3882 4) 23.4570 5) 24.7462 23.4570 25.6300 2.2716 91.14% 79.9468
2 mio 1) 35.8336 2) 36.0363 3) 39.9058 4) 35.4414 5) 30.2934 30.2934 35.5021 3.0634 91.37% 111.7757
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Whpgab 1) 45.9614 2) 34.5181 3) 35.1020 4) 42.3624 34.5181 39.4860 4.8504 87.72% 115.5815
2 calman 1) 51.3244 2) 38.4188 3) 44.0401 4) 36.8787 5) 37.4199 36.8787 41.6164 5.4845 86.82% 133.7833
3 VeJOC 1) 54.0479 2) 54.2847 3) 44.5083 44.5083 50.9470 4.5539 91.06% 152.8409
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 L3wii 1) 27.6234 2) 27.2921 3) 24.6155 24.6155 26.5103 1.3467 94.92% 79.5310
2 Visszavonultam 1) 53.1729 2) 48.6638 3) 56.4367 48.6638 52.7578 3.1868 93.96% 158.2734
3 dHd 1) 64.8937 2) 55.0667 3) 39.8128 39.8128 53.2577 10.3188 80.62% 159.7732
Group 6
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 vajcsi 1) 30.7826 2) 37.8770 3) 26.2039 4) 27.1250 5) 24.0090 24.0090 29.1995 4.8585 83.36% 94.8635
2 Adam 1) 109.2400 2) 61.1816 3) 65.2359 61.1816 78.5525 21.7624 72.3% 235.6575
3 IKE 1) 35.9576 35.9576 DNF
Group 7
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 SOMi 1) 34.8775 2) 33.1994 3) 29.2387 4) 34.7581 5) 25.8135 6) 29.4072 7) 30.2893 25.8135 31.0834 3.0936 90.05% 97.3156
2 Lacc 1) 42.8274 2) 34.5994 3) 33.3734 4) 38.5180 5) 29.6432 6) 42.5037 29.6432 36.9109 4.8226 86.93% 110.8002
3 GSTN 1) 62.7830 62.7830 DNF
4 decade 1) 46.4654 46.4654 DNF

Entry list

Be brave, be the first!