2019/02/11, Hungaroring


Calculating points: P = h * p, where p = n + 1 - s
After every heat(h) there is an absolute order generated, based on the achieved limit times. The position (s) in this temporary result list defines the number of points(p) given to each pilot, where the maximum number of points equals to the number of pilots(n) who participated in the heat. These points are cumulative, and after the last heat they give the final result(R) based on the points gathered. If you are not able complete the limit (usually 3 laps), but you’ve passed the start gate at least once, you get 1 point. If someone participates in two rounds in the same heat (e.g.: rerun), then the better limit time is taken into consideration. In case of point equality the person who gathered the points from less heats will get the better position.

Best limit

Pos# Pilot Best limit Diff prev Diff first
1 Daemon 46.6660    
2 Zsoltee 49.5574 +2.8914 +2.8914
3 Hadesz fpv  52.2087 +2.6513 +5.5427
4 Krisone 57.7199 +5.5112 +11.0539
5 Whpgab 69.2233 +11.5034 +22.5573
6 Tromph 86.2921 +17.0688 +39.6261
7 decade 95.1616 +8.8695 +48.4956
8 calman 135.2836 +40.1220 +88.6176

Best lap

Pos# Pilot Best lap Diff prev Diff first
1 Daemon 13.3881    
2 Zsoltee 14.6327 +1.2446 +1.2446
3 Hadesz fpv  16.7780 +2.1453 +3.3899
4 Krisone 17.0765 +0.2985 +3.6884
5 Tromph 18.7987 +1.7222 +5.4106
6 Whpgab 20.0812 +1.2825 +6.6931
7 decade 23.2233 +3.1421 +9.8352
8 calman 40.0310 +16.8077 +26.6429

Details: Heat 1

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 20.7151 2) 19.3078 3) 17.9203 4) 17.0765 5) 18.3871 6) 18.7011 7) 21.4224 17.0765 19.0758 1.4240 92.54% 57.9432
2 Zsoltee 1) 22.8391 2) 17.3010 3) 18.4158 4) 19.0982 5) 18.4774 6) 18.0716 7) 19.3721 17.3010 19.0822 1.6563 91.32% 58.5559
3 Whpgab 1) 35.4212 2) 28.9054 3) 24.4401 4) 35.4150 5) 28.2859 6) 29.8779 7) 27.9536 24.4401 30.0427 3.7407 87.55% 88.7667
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Hadesz fpv  1) 22.5249 2) 21.0471 3) 17.7855 4) 22.8852 5) 19.2009 17.7855 20.6887 1.9477 90.59% 61.3575
2 Zsoltee 1) 16.0725 16.0725 DNF

Details: Heat 2

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Zsoltee 1) 16.8234 2) 15.4623 3) 17.2717 4) 16.9858 15.4623 16.6358 0.6963 95.81% 49.5574
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Whpgab 1) 40.2117 2) 23.2879 3) 23.3600 4) 22.8542 22.8542 27.4285 7.3829 73.08% 86.8596

Details: Heat 3

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Zsoltee 1) 18.5058 2) 16.1234 3) 15.5733 4) 16.8771 5) 15.9653 15.5733 16.6090 1.0385 93.75% 50.2025
2 Hadesz fpv  1) 18.9756 2) 19.6006 3) 19.3674 4) 19.1004 5) 20.0257 6) 19.5863 7) 69.3386 18.9756 26.5707 17.4629 34.28% 57.9436
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 18.5853 2) 27.0677 3) 19.7274 18.5853 21.7935 3.7585 82.75% 65.3804
2 Zsoltee 1) 14.6327 2) 16.0019 14.6327 15.3173 0.6846 95.53% DNF
3 Hadesz fpv  1) 20.6046 20.6046 DNF
4 Whpgab 1) 24.2423 2) 22.1321 22.1321 23.1872 1.0551 95.45% DNF

Details: Heat 4

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Zsoltee 1) 18.6872 2) 19.5532 18.6872 19.1202 0.4330 97.74% DNF
2 Krisone 1) 22.9957 2) 21.4048 21.4048 22.2003 0.7955 96.42% DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 21.6280 2) 16.4304 3) 32.7556 4) 19.5937 5) 15.2712 6) 31.5070 7) 15.2873 15.2712 21.7819 6.8974 68.33% 70.8140

Details: Heat 5

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 18.2432 2) 15.0479 3) 15.0480 4) 36.4459 5) 16.5886 6) 14.6536 14.6536 19.3379 7.7480 59.93% 48.3391
2 Hadesz fpv  1) 23.7783 2) 18.6364 3) 19.4509 4) 22.0275 5) 17.6589 17.6589 20.3104 2.2604 88.87% 61.8656
3 Whpgab 1) 22.2199 2) 23.0388 3) 23.9646 4) 21.9814 5) 22.5801 21.9814 22.7570 0.7013 96.92% 69.2233
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 19.9439 2) 41.3556 19.9439 30.6498 10.7059 65.07% DNF
2 Zsoltee 1) 69.8215 2) 26.0351 26.0351 47.9283 21.8932 54.32% DNF

Details: Heat 6

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Hadesz fpv  1) 18.8457 2) 20.7415 3) 18.1436 4) 18.4333 5) 18.0517 6) 19.4036 7) 23.5027 18.0517 19.5889 1.8135 90.74% 57.7308
2 Daemon 1) 26.4961 2) 22.7075 3) 14.7843 4) 13.3881 5) 14.9498 13.3881 18.4652 5.1803 71.95% 63.9879
3 Whpgab 1) 25.0280 25.0280 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Hadesz fpv  1) 19.7946 2) 19.2098 3) 20.0528 4) 115.9390 19.2098 43.7491 41.6800 4.73% 59.0572
2 Whpgab 1) 28.0451 2) 21.7698 3) 21.9794 4) 21.5823 5) 20.0812 20.0812 22.6916 2.7590 87.84% 71.7943
3 Zsoltee 1) 97.7768 2) 25.2328 25.2328 61.5048 36.2720 41.03% DNF
4 Daemon 1) 16.0609 16.0609 DNF

Details: Heat 7

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 decade 1) 91.6363 2) 26.2406 3) 23.2233 4) 26.6360 5) 24.0031 23.2233 38.3479 26.6756 30.44% DNF
2 Tromph DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 15.1138 2) 22.7462 3) 40.4623 4) 16.2471 5) 15.5774 6) 62.3082 15.1138 28.7425 17.3933 39.49% 78.3223
2 Whpgab 1) 21.7151 2) 55.9604 3) 21.9429 4) 25.7259 5) 30.2172 21.7151 31.1123 12.8033 58.85% 99.6184

Details: Heat 8

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 20.9792 2) 18.9786 3) 17.7621 4) 22.2010 5) 24.0756 17.7621 20.7993 2.2481 89.19% 57.7199
2 Tromph 1) 32.5306 2) 25.9630 3) 27.7985 4) 29.8031 5) 21.8225 21.8225 27.5835 3.6128 86.9% 86.2921
3 decade DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 16.4985 2) 14.7659 3) 15.4016 4) 14.6642 5) 14.1908 6) 16.1906 14.1908 15.2853 0.8325 94.55% 46.6660
2 Hadesz fpv  1) 18.3337 2) 17.0970 3) 16.7780 4) 17.1420 5) 17.8952 16.7780 17.4492 0.5745 96.71% 52.2087
3 Whpgab 1) 22.9020 2) 32.8594 3) 28.4447 4) 29.6757 22.9020 28.4705 3.5960 87.37% 84.2061

Details: Heat 9

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 21.0003 2) 19.7878 3) 22.0322 4) 19.4117 19.4117 20.5580 1.0339 94.97% 62.8203
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 28.3982 2) 41.6094 3) 27.1522 4) 24.7240 24.7240 30.4710 6.5651 78.45% 97.1598

Details: Heat 10

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 decade 1) 46.8220 2) 37.6476 3) 38.8400 4) 43.0601 37.6476 41.5924 3.6277 91.28% 123.3096
2 Tromph DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon DNF DNF
2 Krisone DNF DNF

Details: Heat 11

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 24.5203 2) 23.4369 3) 40.9522 23.4369 29.6365 8.0136 72.96% 88.9094
2 Hadesz fpv  1) 32.7748 2) 28.5442 3) 29.5851 4) 29.0940 5) 28.4642 6) 27.4105 27.4105 29.3121 1.6851 94.25% 90.9041
3 Whpgab 1) 38.6293 2) 36.4390 3) 37.4935 4) 37.8872 5) 38.5554 36.4390 37.8009 0.8015 97.88% 112.5618
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 decade 1) 36.3280 2) 39.6043 36.3280 37.9662 1.6382 95.69% DNF
2 Tromph 1) 44.3105 2) 66.8993 44.3105 55.6049 11.2944 79.69% DNF

Details: Heat 12

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 calman 1) 84.2247 84.2247 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Tromph DNF DNF

Details: Heat 13

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Tromph 1) 18.7987 2) 45.6528 3) 40.4421 18.7987 34.9645 11.6272 66.75% 104.8936
2 decade 1) 32.1215 32.1215 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 calman 1) 44.8593 2) 49.5623 3) 50.9095 4) 48.9851 44.8593 48.5791 2.2583 95.35% 145.3311

Details: Heat 14

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 28.6687 2) 25.0845 3) 24.5672 4) 22.4856 5) 22.1580 22.1580 24.5928 2.3334 90.51% 78.3204
2 Whpgab 1) 46.1197 2) 56.5978 46.1197 51.3588 5.2391 89.8% DNF
3 Hadesz fpv  DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 21.4241 2) 20.7139 3) 20.7422 20.7139 20.9601 0.3283 98.43% 62.8802
2 decade 1) 95.7687 95.7687 DNF

Details: Heat 15

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 calman 1) 50.5295 2) 44.7231 3) 40.0310 40.0310 45.0945 4.2940 90.48% 135.2836
2 Krisone 1) 35.4463 35.4463 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 24.7897 2) 22.8755 3) 24.7286 4) 21.2206 21.2206 23.4036 1.4766 93.69% 72.3938
2 Hadesz fpv  1) 32.8229 2) 25.3389 3) 28.9439 4) 28.0221 5) 25.7868 6) 31.9457 25.3389 28.8101 2.8214 90.21% 87.1057

Details: Heat 16

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 22.8048 2) 21.6628 3) 21.7392 4) 21.3624 5) 21.3746 6) 21.2105 21.2105 21.6924 0.5296 97.56% 66.2068
2 decade 1) 33.5512 2) 31.2682 3) 30.3422 4) 48.6292 5) 64.1239 30.3422 41.5829 13.0767 68.55% 95.1616
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 26.6088 2) 24.1898 3) 20.6243 4) 21.8746 5) 58.3403 6) 22.9730 20.6243 29.1018 13.2092 54.61% 71.4229
2 Whpgab 1) 38.0022 2) 39.2160 3) 43.1156 4) 41.7637 5) 37.1843 37.1843 39.8564 2.2472 94.36% 120.3338
3 Krisone 1) 80.3918 80.3918 DNF
4 Hadesz fpv  1) 27.5333 2) 26.9444 26.9444 27.2389 0.2945 98.92% DNF

Details: Heat 17

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 decade 1) 30.1698 30.1698 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 22.9187 2) 22.6286 3) 20.3450 4) 21.9547 20.3450 21.9618 0.9968 95.46% 65.8923
2 Hadesz fpv  1) 131.0990 131.0990 DNF
3 Whpgab DNF DNF

Details: Heat 18

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 25.1108 2) 22.8683 3) 20.2568 4) 23.0962 5) 19.9584 19.9584 22.2581 1.9239 91.36% 68.2359
2 decade 1) 30.0398 30.0398 DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 24.4792 2) 20.5745 3) 20.2267 4) 19.7000 5) 26.0647 6) 19.5150 19.5150 21.7600 2.5484 88.29% 65.2804
2 Whpgab 1) 38.3908 2) 40.8062 3) 35.4270 4) 43.8011 35.4270 39.6063 3.0814 92.22% 114.6240
3 Hadesz fpv  DNF DNF

Details: Heat 19

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 37.7962 2) 38.5576 3) 29.2904 29.2904 35.2147 4.2007 88.07% 105.6442
2 calman 1) 105.5200 2) 41.8278 3) 55.0334 41.8278 67.4604 27.4469 59.31% 202.3812
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Whpgab 1) 43.2863 2) 39.4467 3) 33.2840 33.2840 38.6723 4.1200 89.35% 116.0170
2 Daemon 1) 19.5742 19.5742 DNF

Details: Heat 20

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Krisone 1) 33.5717 2) 38.1020 3) 27.8688 4) 27.3629 27.3629 31.7264 4.4152 86.08% 99.5425
2 calman DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Hadesz fpv  1) 28.6052 2) 28.7228 3) 28.2610 28.2610 28.5297 0.1959 99.31% 85.5890
2 Whpgab 1) 41.7753 2) 34.0436 3) 35.2750 4) 39.7400 5) 38.2820 6) 34.8494 7) 42.0363 8) 34.1260 9) 34.7365 34.0436 37.2071 3.1030 91.66% 111.0939
3 Daemon 1) 20.5669 2) 20.5693 3) 19.5152 4) 17.7555 5) 33.4275 17.7555 22.3669 5.6250 74.85% DNF
4 calman 1) 60.3373 60.3373 DNF

Details: Heat 21

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Daemon 1) 21.4747 2) 20.4070 3) 20.1187 4) 18.4301 5) 31.2396 18.4301 22.3340 4.5587 79.59% 62.0004
2 Whpgab 1) 36.6115 36.6115 DNF

Entry list

Be brave, be the first!