2022/04/02, Ramiris


Calculating points: P = h * p, where p = n + 1 - s
After every heat(h) there is an absolute order generated, based on the achieved limit times. The position (s) in this temporary result list defines the number of points(p) given to each pilot, where the maximum number of points equals to the number of pilots(n) who participated in the heat. These points are cumulative, and after the last heat they give the final result(R) based on the points gathered. If you are not able complete the limit (usually 3 laps), but you’ve passed the start gate at least once, you get 1 point. If someone participates in two rounds in the same heat (e.g.: rerun), then the better limit time is taken into consideration. In case of point equality the person who gathered the points from less heats will get the better position.

Best limit

Pos# Pilot Best limit Diff prev Diff first
1 Spit 52.5944    
2 VajcsiTiny 75.5642 +22.9698 +22.9698
3 balzaccc 81.5515 +5.9873 +28.9571
4 Side 81.9420 +0.3905 +29.3476
5 SomiTiny 83.3415 +1.3995 +30.7471
6 WhpgabTiny 86.9779 +3.6364 +34.3835
7 MatoTiny 96.6159 +9.6380 +44.0215
8 cd334 107.0722 +10.4563 +54.4778
9 CalmanTiny 108.2299 +1.1577 +55.6355
10 Spyder 110.3219 +2.0920 +57.7275
11 KimiTiny 112.6759 +2.3540 +60.0815
12 Nameless 134.7098 +22.0339 +82.1154
13 VG 141.7283 +7.0185 +89.1339
14 OktiTiny DNF

Best lap

Pos# Pilot Best lap Diff prev Diff first
1 VajcsiTiny 23.8067    
2 Spit 24.9027 +1.0960 +1.0960
3 Side 30.8770 +5.9743 +7.0703
4 SomiTiny 36.3743 +5.4973 +12.5676
5 cd334 36.8951 +0.5208 +13.0884
6 balzaccc 38.4572 +1.5621 +14.6505
7 WhpgabTiny 39.7817 +1.3245 +15.9750
8 OktiTiny 39.7877 +0.0060 +15.9810
9 CalmanTiny 46.3576 +6.5699 +22.5509
10 MatoTiny 47.2050 +0.8474 +23.3983
11 KimiTiny 48.4234 +1.2184 +24.6167
12 Spyder 53.0996 +4.6762 +29.2929
13 VG 60.8724 +7.7728 +37.0657
14 Nameless 61.6017 +0.7293 +37.7950

Details: Heat 1

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 SomiTiny 1) 57.8293 2) 60.7738 57.8293 59.3016 1.4723 97.52% 118.6031
2 Side 1) 99.2658 2) 55.1570 55.1570 77.2114 22.0544 71.44% 154.4228
3 cd334 1) 89.7942 2) 102.5860 89.7942 96.1901 6.3959 93.35% 192.3802
4 OktiTiny DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 42.9529 2) 32.8456 3) 36.9078 32.8456 37.5688 4.1527 88.95% 75.7985
2 KimiTiny 1) 71.0015 2) 78.4301 71.0015 74.7158 3.7143 95.03% 149.4316
3 CalmanTiny 1) 82.5601 82.5601 DNF
4 OktiTiny DNF DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 balzaccc 1) 63.0509 2) 48.6578 48.6578 55.8544 7.1966 87.12% 111.7087
2 VG 1) 118.5410 118.5410 DNF
3 Nameless 1) 90.0679 90.0679 DNF
4 WhpgabTiny DNF DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 MatoTiny 1) 49.4109 2) 47.2050 47.2050 48.3080 1.1030 97.72% 96.6159

Details: Heat 2

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Side 1) 67.1037 2) 44.1682 3) 58.8628 44.1682 56.7116 9.4861 83.27% 111.2719
2 SomiTiny 1) 66.3321 2) 83.7991 66.3321 75.0656 8.7335 88.37% 150.1312
3 cd334 DNF DNF
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 KimiTiny 1) 53.2747 2) 66.6655 3) 64.5727 53.2747 61.5043 5.8816 90.44% 119.9402
2 OktiTiny 1) 101.3790 101.3790 DNF
3 CalmanTiny DNF DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 balzaccc 1) 120.5050 2) 42.3225 42.3225 81.4138 39.0913 51.98% 162.8275
2 Nameless 1) 92.1788 2) 81.4279 81.4279 86.8034 5.3755 93.81% 173.6067
3 VG 1) 93.4099 2) 90.3786 90.3786 91.8943 1.5157 98.35% 183.7885
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 MatoTiny 1) 80.6502 2) 81.7468 80.6502 81.1985 0.5483 99.32% 162.3970
2 VajcsiTiny 1) 68.9023 2) 108.8820 3) 51.8740 51.8740 76.5528 23.8939 68.79% 177.7843
3 Spyder 1) 128.6690 128.6690 DNF
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 97.5818 2) 25.6450 25.6450 61.6134 35.9684 41.62% 123.2268
2 WhpgabTiny 1) 116.6760 116.6760 DNF

Details: Heat 3

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Side 1) 41.7475 2) 40.8812 3) 55.4672 4) 45.3238 40.8812 45.8549 5.7941 87.36% 82.6287
2 SomiTiny 1) 60.8616 2) 38.5330 3) 42.0334 38.5330 47.1427 9.8054 79.2% 99.3946
3 cd334 1) 36.8951 2) 70.1771 3) 92.2757 36.8951 66.4493 22.7622 65.75% 107.0722
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 KimiTiny 1) 64.0798 2) 62.8729 3) 64.0677 62.8729 63.6735 0.5661 99.11% 126.9527
2 CalmanTiny 1) 81.4290 81.4290 DNF
3 OktiTiny 1) 39.7877 39.7877 DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VG 1) 160.6180 160.6180 DNF
2 Nameless 1) 65.2241 65.2241 DNF
3 balzaccc DNF DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VajcsiTiny 1) 38.7015 2) 45.2693 38.7015 41.9854 3.2839 92.18% 83.9708
2 WhpgabTiny DNF DNF
3 MatoTiny DNF DNF
4 Spyder DNF DNF
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 31.4705 2) 46.0951 3) 26.0376 26.0376 34.5344 8.4702 75.47% 77.5656
2 WhpgabTiny 1) 78.9005 78.9005 DNF

Details: Heat 4

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Side 1) 47.8787 2) 34.0633 3) 34.3011 4) 35.2526 34.0633 37.8739 5.7934 84.7% 81.9420
2 SomiTiny 1) 46.9672 2) 36.3743 3) 57.7288 36.3743 47.0234 8.7180 81.46% 83.3415
3 cd334 1) 137.2350 2) 88.4445 88.4445 112.8398 24.3953 78.38% 225.6795
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 KimiTiny 1) 63.5312 2) 59.9867 3) 52.8639 52.8639 58.7939 4.4358 92.46% 123.5179
2 CalmanTiny 1) 81.0673 2) 64.7298 64.7298 72.8986 8.1688 88.79% 145.7971
3 OktiTiny DNF DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Nameless 1) 78.1049 2) 71.3125 71.3125 74.7087 3.3962 95.45% 149.4174
2 balzaccc 1) 81.3038 2) 85.2227 81.3038 83.2633 1.9595 97.65% 166.5265
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VajcsiTiny 1) 41.7600 2) 33.8042 33.8042 37.7821 3.9779 89.47% 75.5642
2 MatoTiny 1) 61.1833 2) 51.9461 51.9461 56.5647 4.6186 91.83% 113.1294
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 78.0742 2) 26.9653 3) 46.4309 26.9653 50.4901 21.0616 58.29% 105.0395
2 WhpgabTiny 1) 51.3935 2) 45.6151 3) 44.0895 44.0895 47.0327 3.1458 93.31% DNF

Details: Heat 5

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Side 1) 57.8860 2) 30.9680 3) 55.7839 4) 41.8971 30.9680 46.6338 10.9338 76.55% 88.8540
2 SomiTiny 1) 41.9561 2) 51.4088 3) 51.5159 41.9561 48.2936 4.4815 90.72% 93.3649
3 cd334 1) 105.1240 2) 78.9413 78.9413 92.0327 13.0914 85.78% 184.0653
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 KimiTiny 1) 48.4234 2) 77.9598 3) 50.8971 4) 50.8115 48.4234 57.0230 12.1286 78.73% 126.3832
2 CalmanTiny 1) 78.2989 78.2989 DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 balzaccc 1) 40.8117 2) 40.7398 3) 72.0721 40.7398 51.2079 14.7533 71.19% 81.5515
2 Nameless 1) 77.4316 2) 63.3597 63.3597 70.3957 7.0360 90.01% 140.7913
3 VG 1) 71.5734 2) 77.9709 71.5734 74.7722 3.1988 95.72% 149.5443
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VajcsiTiny 1) 38.1802 2) 45.7260 3) 54.3572 4) 38.3919 38.1802 44.1638 6.6231 85% 83.9062
2 MatoTiny 1) 68.2556 2) 62.5201 3) 98.3433 62.5201 76.3730 15.7108 79.43% 130.7757
3 Spyder 1) 107.5020 2) 69.3346 69.3346 88.4183 19.0837 78.42% 176.8366
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 25.5597 2) 44.8430 25.5597 35.2014 9.6417 72.61% 70.4027
2 WhpgabTiny 1) 57.5820 2) 66.3414 57.5820 61.9617 4.3797 92.93% 123.9234

Details: Heat 6

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 SomiTiny 1) 63.8007 2) 42.1370 3) 37.8767 37.8767 47.9381 11.3506 76.32% 105.9377
2 cd334 1) 101.2750 2) 95.3015 95.3015 98.2883 2.9868 96.96% 196.5765
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 KimiTiny 1) 61.5866 2) 51.0893 3) 59.6478 4) 57.6210 51.0893 57.4862 3.9505 93.13% 112.6759
2 CalmanTiny 1) 92.6432 2) 53.2257 53.2257 72.9345 19.7088 72.98% 145.8689
3 OktiTiny 1) 63.2928 63.2928 DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VG 1) 86.2481 2) 80.5603 80.5603 83.4042 2.8439 96.59% 166.8084
2 balzaccc 1) 38.4572 2) 128.3670 38.4572 83.4121 44.9549 46.11% 166.8242
3 Nameless DNF DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VajcsiTiny 1) 33.5361 2) 50.0343 33.5361 41.7852 8.2491 80.26% 83.5704
2 Spyder 1) 66.1421 2) 64.6849 64.6849 65.4135 0.7286 98.89% 130.8270
3 MatoTiny DNF DNF
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 33.2294 2) 32.9093 32.9093 33.0694 0.1601 99.52% 66.1387
2 WhpgabTiny 1) 47.4561 2) 41.8098 3) 44.7235 41.8098 44.6631 2.3055 94.84% 89.2659

Details: Heat 7

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 SomiTiny 1) 57.1295 2) 40.7978 3) 46.9821 40.7978 48.3031 6.7325 86.06% 97.9273
2 cd334 1) 119.3380 2) 84.7682 84.7682 102.0531 17.2849 83.06% 204.1062
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 CalmanTiny 1) 70.0006 2) 58.5502 58.5502 64.2754 5.7252 91.09% 128.5508
2 KimiTiny 1) 49.7211 2) 78.9549 3) 53.0002 49.7211 60.5587 13.0768 78.41% 128.6760
3 OktiTiny DNF DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Nameless 1) 73.1081 2) 61.6017 61.6017 67.3549 5.7532 91.46% 134.7098
2 VG 1) 80.8559 2) 60.8724 60.8724 70.8642 9.9918 85.9% 141.7283
3 balzaccc DNF DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 VajcsiTiny 1) 49.2144 2) 50.0531 49.2144 49.6338 0.4194 99.16% 99.2675
2 Spyder 1) 57.2223 2) 53.0996 3) 86.6266 53.0996 65.6495 14.9282 77.26% 110.3219
Group 5
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 25.9499 2) 26.6445 3) 24.9027 24.9027 25.8324 0.7159 97.23% 52.5944
2 WhpgabTiny DNF DNF

Details: Heat 8

Group 1
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Side 1) 52.5680 2) 43.5850 3) 36.1279 4) 30.8770 30.8770 40.7895 8.1630 79.99% 96.1530
2 SomiTiny 1) 72.3922 2) 73.0964 72.3922 72.7443 0.3521 99.52% 145.4886
3 cd334 1) 94.6802 2) 81.8328 81.8328 88.2565 6.4237 92.72% 176.5130
Group 2
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 CalmanTiny 1) 46.3576 2) 61.8723 3) 57.7204 46.3576 55.3168 6.5579 88.14% 108.2299
2 KimiTiny 1) 69.7219 2) 57.8266 3) 48.8282 4) 49.3220 48.8282 56.4247 8.4696 84.99% 127.5485
3 OktiTiny DNF DNF
Group 3
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 balzaccc 1) 49.6093 2) 42.2510 3) 43.1487 4) 78.1457 42.2510 53.2887 14.6292 72.55% 91.8603
2 VajcsiTiny 1) 56.3304 2) 51.8981 3) 83.7171 4) 23.8067 23.8067 53.9381 21.2401 60.62% 108.2285
3 Nameless 1) 73.4601 2) 63.2110 3) 70.6902 63.2110 69.1204 4.3289 93.74% 136.6711
4 VG 1) 79.7789 2) 103.3180 79.7789 91.5485 11.7696 87.14% 183.0969
5 Spyder 1) 68.1613 68.1613 DNF
6 MatoTiny 1) 64.0907 64.0907 DNF
Group 4
Pos# Pilot Results Best Avg StDev Cons Limit
1 Spit 1) 38.5139 2) 30.5112 3) 33.2498 4) 37.4040 30.5112 34.9197 3.2138 90.8% 69.0251
2 WhpgabTiny 1) 44.6562 2) 42.3217 3) 39.7817 4) 41.4453 39.7817 42.0512 1.7590 95.82% 86.9779

Entry list

Be brave, be the first!